Talking about iPods, my new class T-Shirt design is out. Guess what. It's iNerd... And it uses the famous black person with the white iPod, just that it is just white spectacles... Wow... The shirt colour is orange. I think 1 orange shirt is enough though...
Yesterday, there had been talks about the end of the world. Like I would believe that. They said it was something about this nobel prize winner's theory that when he switches on a facility he created which is 27km in diameter or something, some particles would spin at the speed of light, resulting in the generation of extremely huge amounts of energy. However, this energy may be to large. Should it work, an immense amount of energy can be produced for that place to use. I don't think it would affect us here... Or if worse comes to worse, too much energy is produced, causing a black hole to form. Yeah right. This guy should be imprisoned for endangering humankind. And guess what. The day he is going to switch it on is apparently tomorrow. So people are saying it is Judgement Day. Full of crap. Even if it is so, I don't care. Not because I want to die. But cos the death should be instant if a black hole should occur, though unlikely that such a thing would happen. Black holes can only be created by fallen stars(suns), never by idiots on a planet trying to generate power for their own use. This is crap man. It is a totally uncalled for risk. You are endangering the whole world so that you can produce power that only powers your area. Selfish?! Anyway, this is crap, so don't put too much money on it.
Talking about idiots, there are many guys in anime that are idiots. Gonna talk about that another time.
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