Long time no blog. Again. I think I'm juz gonna blog once a week. So u dun have to check back that often, though it's nice to see the visitor numbers go up... If I update more frequently I will notify on msn.
For the past week during recess, I have been quite busy. So if I didn't spend much time with you it's not cos I'm avoiding you or anything. Main reason was cos I did not want to get scolded again... So most of this week I was busy printing scores, binding scores, collating and other stuff during recess. At least nothing went wrong during band prac. Phew...
Mars Youth day... lol. I just spent quite a bit of time in class doing the Rubik's cubes, both 4X4X4 and 3X3X3. Btw, I already have a 4X4X4 cube. lol. Not that smooth though. I ate the prizes which were supposed to be given to those who spun the wheel, but only 1 or 2 people came at first. Then later on, more people came. We made less than $50 I think. lol. And I only bought some mamee monster and milo dinosaur. Nothing else though...
Today woke up late. Cos I thought today was a normal day, without any appointments. So that was what I dreamt about. So I overslept a little. So I was late. lol. Then did drills. Spoiling my voice... Not that it sounds nice anyway. Then was sectionals. Did Sway, Home and Stand up for Singapore. And balanced the stick again. lol. I seem to have a talent for balancing objects. Then was full band. Mr Chiang was angry again. Nvm. Can't quite remember what happened after that. All I know is that I did not have to do any other Librarian stuff.
After that went to J8 for lunch. Had McDonald's. Ronald McDonald is one of the creepiest mascots in the world. I'll show you pics of his exploits another day. Then I ate my lunch at the bus interchange. Then this cleaner comes spraying the floor and my food almost got wet... Finished eating then went to tuition. Then did some artistic one-word topic essays. For the first 30min or so, my paper was empty. Then it began to fill up rather quickly. My original topic was actually smoke. But I chose airport in the end. And the word airport would only come up at the beginning and the end of the essay. Yeah. My artistic composition style. I love writing emotional stories. But not inspired by manga though... Although I did some manga inspired compo a while back... Then it was time to go to the Toys & Comics convention. Yeah! My weekends were usually very busy, but I managed to squeeze it in. Although Sunday would be better (cos there's anime Cosplay), but I have tuition then, so only Saturday would suffice. While at the MRt Station, these ladies kept coming to me for donations. And when I didn't, they cursed me. wtf. And they said it was for some children... Then met Alvin and we were on our way. Citylink is really very long. lol. Then arrived there. Finally managed to get Love Hina Volume 1 & 5. Finally, my Love Hina collection is complete. That means it's my 3rd completed manga series. Then walked around. Saw this great doujin. Colleteral Damage. Very well drawn. Even had Kyonko. haha. After that went to see asiasoft at tropics atrium. Quite alot of people. Theme: Audition. Had a competition going on there. Pros. There was even a dance there. lol. Met up with some of Alvin's friends there. Then went to KFC. Had another coke. Second coke in a day... Then I went back to the convention. Played Guitar Hero on Wii. I played Knight of Cydonia. At first I looked damn pro. But then I came to the part where I always screwed up. And I failed the song. lol. Should have played Cliffs of Dover. Mistake mistake mistake... Then I went to the Rubik's section. They can do it real fast. 18secs, 22secs. And the cubes were real smooth. You could play it like a ball man. Smoooth. After that went back with Alvin. I'm super tired now. lol. Brain fatigue. Bye...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Ba(n)d Week
This week was the worst week for band sia. Got scolded(not exactly) 4(?) times by Mr. Chiang!? First was the announcements. Then I dunno why but I forget things very fast... So did not make the announcement properly. Then I get kena by Mr Chiang in front of the band... That was on Wednesday. Today, I got scolded 3 times. First was the thing I had to print. I said I was busy and by the next Wednesday practice I should have it ready. Then he come say me that I should have printed it over the past few days, but I really wasn't free! Then he come kena me in front of the whole band about the missing miyazawa flute. It's not my fault sia. But I didn't really care, cos I know I had nothing to do with it. But too bad, I was the current in charge for the flute section. So he come say I'm in deep shit and it's the second flute I lost. ... This time I specially did not bring the flute back and left it in the band store. And it just simply became all my fault. Then in the end it was in the alumni cupboard. Was seriously pissed off. Then we play Rumble on the High Plains. Then Mr Chiang come ask me who playing piccolo. I really should just have kept quite. I seriously gotta change my habit of shooting my mouth off without thinking, which usually came just 1 or 2 seconds later. But anyway, it was too late. I go say the piccolo in the band store got no mouthpiece. At that point I totally forgot that Terence had the piccolo. But I didn't know that both mouthpieces was in it. So then he come kena me yet again in front of the whole band. Wow. 2 times in a day. I was even more pissed off. But of course I did not show any signs of it. In fact, I think I looked like I didn't care. None of it was my fault. But since I'm the in-charge, I had to be responsible. So be it. And after SMSing a few people, I suddenly dawned upon the realisation that Terence had the piccolo. So I took my time going back, while waiting for a reply from someone. And then got kena again saying that I should be more aware of what is happening in my section in front of the whole band. I don't know how I am supposed to last 1 more year in the band. Sigh*
Thursday, June 19, 2008
End of Holidays
Woah. Long time no post. Cos too busy reading manga. haha. Really deserted everything else. So haven't been blogging nor going to people's blogs. Gotta catch up. Been reading School Rumble recently. The first 50 chapters were a bore. But it just went uphill after that. Slowly I began laughing. Yeah. But nothing compared to Ichigo 100% though. But I liked it. It just seems like a different genre.
Haven't been able to walk properly due to the fall. lol. Fell on Sunday. Hurt real bad. But I'm almost fine now...
This holiday has had many animanga accomplishments. Yeah. Firstly, I finally completed reading the whole Love Hina manga series. Previously, I did not read Vol. 1 & 5. So I read it online. Yeah. Then was Ichigo 100%. The amazing series which I completed in 3days+1hour. Yeah. (Read the remaining omake in 1 hour before I went to school. Was late as a result. But it's the holidays, so who cares!) Then was School Rumble. Finally caught up with it. 277 chapters in 5 days? Not bad. Kinda liked the Harima-Yakumo pair, even though it only partially happened. (Those who are against it can tag...) Finally, after 9 months, I finally COMPLETED MY CHOBITS COLLECTION!!! Yeah!!!!! Though it cost more than I expected, about $73-5, it was worth it. Now I finally have 2 completed manga series in my cabinet. Also bought the 3rd Volume of World Embryo today. And Negi hasn't been released for the last 9 months(?) That's taking way too long. It's like telling us to read online if we can't wait you know. Inuyasha has finally ended. 558 chapters. Congratulations for those who have followed the series. You have an amazing perseverence. Like me. Haha. I don't really feel like talking about anything else. Maybe another day...
Haven't been able to walk properly due to the fall. lol. Fell on Sunday. Hurt real bad. But I'm almost fine now...
This holiday has had many animanga accomplishments. Yeah. Firstly, I finally completed reading the whole Love Hina manga series. Previously, I did not read Vol. 1 & 5. So I read it online. Yeah. Then was Ichigo 100%. The amazing series which I completed in 3days+1hour. Yeah. (Read the remaining omake in 1 hour before I went to school. Was late as a result. But it's the holidays, so who cares!) Then was School Rumble. Finally caught up with it. 277 chapters in 5 days? Not bad. Kinda liked the Harima-Yakumo pair, even though it only partially happened. (Those who are against it can tag...) Finally, after 9 months, I finally COMPLETED MY CHOBITS COLLECTION!!! Yeah!!!!! Though it cost more than I expected, about $73-5, it was worth it. Now I finally have 2 completed manga series in my cabinet. Also bought the 3rd Volume of World Embryo today. And Negi hasn't been released for the last 9 months(?) That's taking way too long. It's like telling us to read online if we can't wait you know. Inuyasha has finally ended. 558 chapters. Congratulations for those who have followed the series. You have an amazing perseverence. Like me. Haha. I don't really feel like talking about anything else. Maybe another day...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Today, more than half the school blacked-out. Except the band room... So I spent 9-12 sitting outside the mac lab. And I was playing the Rubik's cube to pass the time. Then at 10, this guy came up to me and asked whether the class started. I said no. Didn't say it was cos of the black-out. Then he kept on talking to me. In a friendly way. And so he just kept talking and talking to me, while I just kept solving the Rubik's Cube again and again. Then he asked me about me and the Rubik's cube. So I just gave 1-2 word answers. Then the power was back on again. It was about 10.30 I think. Then we went in, switched on the mac. Then the power went off again. -_-" Whatever. So just went out, tried the new technique Ray taught me on the Rubik's cube, and the guy continued talking to me. Apparently, he was signing up for the Ironkid Biathlon. Not that it's my business though. Then since I was really really bored solving the cube for the 30th time, I decided to teach him how to play. lol. He was not very good at it. Most people can't get the basic step right though. Anyways, Robin said that cos the school didn't pay the power bills, so the power got cut off. lol. Waste my time. At 12 we were dismissed. Then I went to the band room to wait for WL. Waited there for really long. About 40 min. Then he came with his newly bought $1400 flute. I tried it. It wasn't very good. But it was shiny. Haha. That was when I realised that the alumni had taken the miyazawa flute. Then WL wanted to play a flute duet with me. lol. But all the flutes in the band room were out of order. So I had a hard time trying to play.
After all that we went to J8. I then ate McDonald's with WL. Talking about McDonalds, Ronald McDonald is one of the creepiest mascots in the world. After McDonalds, we went to get the Evangelion 1.0: You are (not) alone Collectors Edition. I could not get it cos I was under 16. lol. After we got it, we spent an awfully long time in Comics Connection, looking at manga. Then went to Action City to look at the 2 X 2 cubes. No price indicated. Wanted to get one for my sister for her upcoming birthday. haha. Came back home and completed Lucky Star. So now I can focus on the School Rumble manga. Reading abit of Shin Angyo Sando too. It's a korean manga apparently.
After all that we went to J8. I then ate McDonald's with WL. Talking about McDonalds, Ronald McDonald is one of the creepiest mascots in the world. After McDonalds, we went to get the Evangelion 1.0: You are (not) alone Collectors Edition. I could not get it cos I was under 16. lol. After we got it, we spent an awfully long time in Comics Connection, looking at manga. Then went to Action City to look at the 2 X 2 cubes. No price indicated. Wanted to get one for my sister for her upcoming birthday. haha. Came back home and completed Lucky Star. So now I can focus on the School Rumble manga. Reading abit of Shin Angyo Sando too. It's a korean manga apparently.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
What are Wapanese. Wapanese are Caucasians who are overly obsessed with Japan, it's culture as well as (last but not least) anime and manga. If I was an ang moh, I would be a wapanese... Scary. Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of wapanese... Some things I do not agree... I do not drink Pocari Sweat. haha. Luckily this applies to ang mohs. But at least I set foot on Japanese grounds before, do not cosplay, do not think that my country is anyway inferior. Singapore is great. No war, no droughts, no floods (at least not that serious), no food shortage (as a consumer), great government with little corruption. Yeah. But I'm not exactly patriotic... I personally do not like wapanese either. Cos they're ang moh. And never stepped into Japan and then think they are so great. I also don't think the Japanese really like wapanese... Maybe those anime companies like them cos the sell lots to them. But its like the PRCs coming to Singapore. I feel that would be how I would feel about wapanese if I was a Japanese. But I'm not. So this is just my personal opinion and it holds no salt.
Dun really like to talk about what's happening around me, cos I'm stuck in the house all day. But I'm not bored. But blogging about what I have done will be boring. Here's how it goes. Today I woke up at 9.30am. Solved the cube twice, 1 with my specs on, one without (Cos I just woke up)... Then went down and ate 2 'tao sar pia'. Continued playing with the cube. Used the com and searched for Levan Polkka again. Love that song. Forgot what I did after that. Ah. Did some E Maths. Kinematics. Learning it in Physics anyway, so nothing new. Then solved the cube again a couple of times. Broke my personal record and set a new one of 1min 45secs. Had chicken rice. Continued work. Used the com again. Scanned some scores. 1 score with 5 pages. It's hard to scan from a book you know. Searched for more Hatsune Miku, and read Chapter 69 of Ai Kora. ooo. 69. Oh ya. Watched Haruhi Live. The concert. A bit of criticism. Aya's singing was quite off. The vibrato was a bit too much. And she seemed flat (as in tone). Anyways she's so chio. Haha. Watched the anime version of God Knows... then watched the live version of God Knows... then Bouken Desho Desho?, then COOL EDITION (live version too). If you don't remember a song called COOL EDITION in the anime, it's from the Ryoko Asakura Image Album. It's not bad. If you want it, you can ask it from me, but get ready something in return. Cos fair trade (Fullmetal Alchemist) haha. I just love the Lucky Star Version of Levan Polkka. Love the beginning, the part where they switch clothes to Rin, Shana, Mikuru, and another one is from To Heart I think. The door slamming and the rotating lips was cool too. Leaving you with the video... Changed the blog song to the Lucky Star version of Levan Polkka (not exactly... That's the closest I could get). My ringtone is the Hatsune Miku version of Levan Polkka. Love the song...
Dun really like to talk about what's happening around me, cos I'm stuck in the house all day. But I'm not bored. But blogging about what I have done will be boring. Here's how it goes. Today I woke up at 9.30am. Solved the cube twice, 1 with my specs on, one without (Cos I just woke up)... Then went down and ate 2 'tao sar pia'. Continued playing with the cube. Used the com and searched for Levan Polkka again. Love that song. Forgot what I did after that. Ah. Did some E Maths. Kinematics. Learning it in Physics anyway, so nothing new. Then solved the cube again a couple of times. Broke my personal record and set a new one of 1min 45secs. Had chicken rice. Continued work. Used the com again. Scanned some scores. 1 score with 5 pages. It's hard to scan from a book you know. Searched for more Hatsune Miku, and read Chapter 69 of Ai Kora. ooo. 69. Oh ya. Watched Haruhi Live. The concert. A bit of criticism. Aya's singing was quite off. The vibrato was a bit too much. And she seemed flat (as in tone). Anyways she's so chio. Haha. Watched the anime version of God Knows... then watched the live version of God Knows... then Bouken Desho Desho?, then COOL EDITION (live version too). If you don't remember a song called COOL EDITION in the anime, it's from the Ryoko Asakura Image Album. It's not bad. If you want it, you can ask it from me, but get ready something in return. Cos fair trade (Fullmetal Alchemist) haha. I just love the Lucky Star Version of Levan Polkka. Love the beginning, the part where they switch clothes to Rin, Shana, Mikuru, and another one is from To Heart I think. The door slamming and the rotating lips was cool too. Leaving you with the video... Changed the blog song to the Lucky Star version of Levan Polkka (not exactly... That's the closest I could get). My ringtone is the Hatsune Miku version of Levan Polkka. Love the song...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Long time no blog. Anyway I've decided to do photoblogging for the first time. And I'm very lousy at it. First, my manga collection. WOOOOOO!!!!! Total of 8 series(seems quite little): Chobits, Chrono Crusade, Inuyasha, Love Hina, Magister Negi Magi, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Embryo and some chinese manga. There's a total of 96 tankoubon(books). Hmmm. If I get the last 4 volumes of Chobits I'm missing, it would be 100. Cool

Yeah that's my collection

That's my Inuyasha collection. All in Chinese though.

And that's my Magister Negi Magi Collection. Quite expensive, though Chobits is way more costly...

Chrono Crusade, the whole set. Apparently it's the only series which I have a complete set. Cos the publisher didn't publish the other manga equally I guess.

Yeah. My NGE collection. Plus Notebook, plus figurines I got from M'sia.

World Embryo Collection. Rena is so cute. Haha.

Love Hina collection. Volume 1 & 5 are missing. Cos I can't find them anywhere...

Yeah. My SOS dan notebook. I just wrote stupid things in it. Wish I didn't.
Yesterday I went to the Annual Bookfair. Yeah. Of course the only reason why I wanted to go there was the anime and manga part of it you know. Then some cosplayers(the only ones I saw that day) cosplaying Shana and Haruhi. The Shana cosplayer has really dry hair. Yucky. Not sure if I'm starting to like cosplay. Dun think so though. Just like to see cosplay in real life. Dunno what I'm saying anymore.

Bought a new Rubik's Cube cos my father broke the old one... And now I can solve it without looking at any formula sheets. Yeah! Fastest time is 1 min 55 secs. Got the cube for $5. It's getting rough. Should have gotten the $8 one.

Sadly, this is the only anime related thing I bought. I saw Excalibur with Avalon(Fate/Stay Night) there. It cost $15, which I spent on a totally useless thing. Dunno what to say. This accessory cos $2. Quite expensive...

And I have completed my first photoblogging thing. I'm so lousy at it. This may be the last time. Anyone wants to got the the Bookfair with me? It's until this Sunday. I wanna go see cosplay and on the way back from there, buy Chobits and maybe search for Ichigo 100% (Viz Media published) manga at Orchard. Dun have to follow me then though. Juz need a reason to go out. Just tag or msn me k? And here's a weird but damn cute Hatusune Miku song...

Yeah that's my collection

That's my Inuyasha collection. All in Chinese though.

And that's my Magister Negi Magi Collection. Quite expensive, though Chobits is way more costly...

Chrono Crusade, the whole set. Apparently it's the only series which I have a complete set. Cos the publisher didn't publish the other manga equally I guess.

Yeah. My NGE collection. Plus Notebook, plus figurines I got from M'sia.

World Embryo Collection. Rena is so cute. Haha.

Love Hina collection. Volume 1 & 5 are missing. Cos I can't find them anywhere...

Yeah. My SOS dan notebook. I just wrote stupid things in it. Wish I didn't.
Yesterday I went to the Annual Bookfair. Yeah. Of course the only reason why I wanted to go there was the anime and manga part of it you know. Then some cosplayers(the only ones I saw that day) cosplaying Shana and Haruhi. The Shana cosplayer has really dry hair. Yucky. Not sure if I'm starting to like cosplay. Dun think so though. Just like to see cosplay in real life. Dunno what I'm saying anymore.

Bought a new Rubik's Cube cos my father broke the old one... And now I can solve it without looking at any formula sheets. Yeah! Fastest time is 1 min 55 secs. Got the cube for $5. It's getting rough. Should have gotten the $8 one.

Sadly, this is the only anime related thing I bought. I saw Excalibur with Avalon(Fate/Stay Night) there. It cost $15, which I spent on a totally useless thing. Dunno what to say. This accessory cos $2. Quite expensive...

And I have completed my first photoblogging thing. I'm so lousy at it. This may be the last time. Anyone wants to got the the Bookfair with me? It's until this Sunday. I wanna go see cosplay and on the way back from there, buy Chobits and maybe search for Ichigo 100% (Viz Media published) manga at Orchard. Dun have to follow me then though. Juz need a reason to go out. Just tag or msn me k? And here's a weird but damn cute Hatusune Miku song...
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