Why is the cosplay competitions always on Sunday!!!!!!!!!! And I always have to miss is due to my Sunday tuitions... Anyway, I went to the Cosfest 2008 on Saturday. Lol. Guess what. I only arrived there 10mins before the official closing time. chikushou. Anyway, when I arrived, some guys where singing Bouken Desho Desho?(Haruhi OP theme) as well as Motteke Sailor Fuku(Lucky Star OP theme) and some other songs which I didn't recognise. Wonder who won the Anime karaoke contest though. Could have been the guys on stage. Anyway, I bought the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, which made me broke. Really broke. But it was great man. Mebbe I bring it to school tomorrow for those who wanna look. Nah. It's super heavy. Quite value for money. Though it's all in Japanese but I'm fine with it. That's why the visual of the visual novel comes in... High quality pics... But the censorship takes up a wider area than the actual game... Or did people edit the game. Dunno. Anyway, I took some photos of some Cosplay. I might as well upload some of the cosplay pics that Chang Hong sent me... Excuse me if all I can take are backviews... lol...

Ichigo from Bleach, some guy with a guitar, some Prince of Tennis guy...

Back views of cosplayers outside the tent...

Red coloured guy with a monitor for a head...

I keep taking back views till I can't recognise what they are supposed to be...

It is what it says. The guy used scotch tape and paper strips to do that on his jacket...

Lacus Clyne's backview as well as a bunch of other cosplayers... This Lacus Clyne has black eyebrows...

Cosfest VII Super Henshin Graffiti wall... I'm a lousy photographer...

Below are the pics taken by Chang Hong...
Dunno what is this but it's not bad
Group photo
Great Lavi cosplay
Apparently the most popular 'graffiti' on the wall...
Oooo. I have been doing Rubik's patterns today. Cos I was being lazy today. Got a Physics test tomorrow. Here are almost all the patterns I know...

6 Crosses

3 Patterns

2 Straight lines, 2 crosses, 2 sides

4 Straight lines.

4 'H's

2 windows + 2 Straight lines

4 'H's + 2 Crosses

4 crosses

6 windows

2 'H's + 4 sides

4 'U's
The end of this super long photoblogging post...
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