My long forgotten, not really, about 1 month and 6 month debts are coming back to me. I gotta come up with a library catalogue, which was actually due end of June, and I've got no idea how to do it!!! And I'm all alone cos the other librarian got demoted... Alumni stuff are piling up at the library table which was just shifted yesterday. I'm not responsible for alumni stuff you know. I've got no idea how to make that pile look nice... I'm getting lousy at blogging, cos I haven't been blogging. Anyway, today played softball for PE. Cool. Wanted to do that for quite a while, though I prefer floorball, which I am the best in class at. Who cares what I'm good at though. Also about the debts, I missed 2 tuitions last Sunday due to the Botanic Gardens performance, and I feel like I'm in deep trouble for not telling them. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Haven't paid my tuition fees for one of the though, it's already the 4th week...
The Botanic Gardens performance, to me, wasn't that good. Quite a few mishaps... Lack of chairs was the big thing for me. So ended up in the 3rd row. So must be vigilant for ABBA Gold. So stood up at the second one instead of the 3rd. Made quite a few mistakes though. Not that anyone could hear. I'm lousy at the flute. In a solo recently, I could hear how poor I was. So soft. I don't really care nowadays. I'm not that enthu any longer. But I will bring back my flute the moment the SYF pieces are given out, practice like mad, and come to next practice like I'm damn pro. ahaha. Practice has proven useful from the last SYF. So gonna do the same thing. But exams are a problem though. 3rd week of august. Not much time left...
Solved a 5X5X5 cube after the botanical gardens performance on Sunday. My father bought it for me. And I didn't need any formulas. Yeah. Now the person who called me noob had nothing to say. Haha. Somemore dare to say he zhai. Not that I care though. Don't really care about much nowadays. So I'm just gonna write my fastest times here...
2X2X2 - 0:13:56
3X3X3 - 0:46:59
4X4X4 - 7:39:13
5X5X5 - 12:49:69
2X2X2+3X3X3 - 1:36:23
Actually the timings are quite slow. lol.
Been speed-reading Bleach recently. Took 1 week 2days to catch up. At least I now know what Bleachers are talking about. I used to think Espadas were from the game 'Granado Espada' lol. School Rumble just ended too. Yesterday. So sad. The story wasn't really finished. They just finished with a class photo. Hope they tie up the Sawachika - Harima - Yakumo relationship in School Rumble 2. Lots of loose ends to tie. Anyway bye.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Cosfest 2008
Why is the cosplay competitions always on Sunday!!!!!!!!!! And I always have to miss is due to my Sunday tuitions... Anyway, I went to the Cosfest 2008 on Saturday. Lol. Guess what. I only arrived there 10mins before the official closing time. chikushou. Anyway, when I arrived, some guys where singing Bouken Desho Desho?(Haruhi OP theme) as well as Motteke Sailor Fuku(Lucky Star OP theme) and some other songs which I didn't recognise. Wonder who won the Anime karaoke contest though. Could have been the guys on stage. Anyway, I bought the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, which made me broke. Really broke. But it was great man. Mebbe I bring it to school tomorrow for those who wanna look. Nah. It's super heavy. Quite value for money. Though it's all in Japanese but I'm fine with it. That's why the visual of the visual novel comes in... High quality pics... But the censorship takes up a wider area than the actual game... Or did people edit the game. Dunno. Anyway, I took some photos of some Cosplay. I might as well upload some of the cosplay pics that Chang Hong sent me... Excuse me if all I can take are backviews... lol...

Ichigo from Bleach, some guy with a guitar, some Prince of Tennis guy...

Back views of cosplayers outside the tent...

Red coloured guy with a monitor for a head...

I keep taking back views till I can't recognise what they are supposed to be...

It is what it says. The guy used scotch tape and paper strips to do that on his jacket...

Lacus Clyne's backview as well as a bunch of other cosplayers... This Lacus Clyne has black eyebrows...

Cosfest VII Super Henshin Graffiti wall... I'm a lousy photographer...

Below are the pics taken by Chang Hong...

Dunno what is this but it's not bad

Group photo

Great Lavi cosplay

Apparently the most popular 'graffiti' on the wall...
Oooo. I have been doing Rubik's patterns today. Cos I was being lazy today. Got a Physics test tomorrow. Here are almost all the patterns I know...

6 Crosses

3 Patterns

2 Straight lines, 2 crosses, 2 sides

4 Straight lines.

4 'H's

2 windows + 2 Straight lines

4 'H's + 2 Crosses

4 crosses

6 windows

2 'H's + 4 sides

4 'U's
The end of this super long photoblogging post...
Why is the cosplay competitions always on Sunday!!!!!!!!!! And I always have to miss is due to my Sunday tuitions... Anyway, I went to the Cosfest 2008 on Saturday. Lol. Guess what. I only arrived there 10mins before the official closing time. chikushou. Anyway, when I arrived, some guys where singing Bouken Desho Desho?(Haruhi OP theme) as well as Motteke Sailor Fuku(Lucky Star OP theme) and some other songs which I didn't recognise. Wonder who won the Anime karaoke contest though. Could have been the guys on stage. Anyway, I bought the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, which made me broke. Really broke. But it was great man. Mebbe I bring it to school tomorrow for those who wanna look. Nah. It's super heavy. Quite value for money. Though it's all in Japanese but I'm fine with it. That's why the visual of the visual novel comes in... High quality pics... But the censorship takes up a wider area than the actual game... Or did people edit the game. Dunno. Anyway, I took some photos of some Cosplay. I might as well upload some of the cosplay pics that Chang Hong sent me... Excuse me if all I can take are backviews... lol...

Ichigo from Bleach, some guy with a guitar, some Prince of Tennis guy...

Back views of cosplayers outside the tent...

Red coloured guy with a monitor for a head...

I keep taking back views till I can't recognise what they are supposed to be...

It is what it says. The guy used scotch tape and paper strips to do that on his jacket...

Lacus Clyne's backview as well as a bunch of other cosplayers... This Lacus Clyne has black eyebrows...

Cosfest VII Super Henshin Graffiti wall... I'm a lousy photographer...

Below are the pics taken by Chang Hong...
Dunno what is this but it's not bad
Group photo
Great Lavi cosplay
Apparently the most popular 'graffiti' on the wall...
Oooo. I have been doing Rubik's patterns today. Cos I was being lazy today. Got a Physics test tomorrow. Here are almost all the patterns I know...

6 Crosses

3 Patterns

2 Straight lines, 2 crosses, 2 sides

4 Straight lines.

4 'H's

2 windows + 2 Straight lines

4 'H's + 2 Crosses

4 crosses

6 windows

2 'H's + 4 sides

4 'U's
The end of this super long photoblogging post...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Bad days sia. Yesterday I accidentally did an extra 15 push-ups, which means I did 55 push-ups at one shot, 2 times and more than the average band member. And even worse, I was selected for the ... Haiz... Cos I did not point out any other section mate. Great values they teach in band eh. Sabotage, involuntary arrest, and a whole lot of sacarsm. I personally feel that the band's standard is dropping too. More towards the discipline side. Although I'm not doing anything about it. I'm the type who only can criticise but is unable to do anything about it myself. Sad. I also wish to, but I don't know how.
Today. Did 2.4km run for P.E. This time they stopped just after the primary school gate. So my timing was 11.26 mins. Faster, cos did not have to run up slopes. But was feeling real sick after that. Anyways, the main point of the bad day was after school. Actually it was bad because I thought too much... Cos I was the Geog rep, after school I had to go to the staff room to get a namelist for the WS. Then PauLeong caught me cos my hair was too long. I expected to be caught but not by him though. Anyway, I was prepared. But the surprising thing was he was very very irrational. The conversation goes like this...
P is Paul
M is me
P: Hey boy
P: Did any of the teachers tell you to cut your hair?
M: No (Really la)
P: Don't lie
M: I really din lie
P: Why yesterday you never cut ur hair
M: Because I got CCA
P: So now you are blaming your CCA
M: No. I haven't finishe...
P: (forgot what he said)
P: what class are you from?
M: 3*
P: 3* is supposed to have intellect up there(points to head)
P: (talks some mars crap)
M: I'm sorry
P: (Calls Jenni* Goh over)
*dunno what he did that for
P: Who's your form teacher
M: Mrs *
P: ***?
M: yes
P: she didn't tell you to cut your hair?
M: Yes
P: dun lie (or something liddat)
M: I'm not lying. Really
P: So as a #ist
P: you need someone to tell you b4 u cut your hair
M: No I was going to cut it this weekend
P: y cannot cut last weekend
P: ur hair only grow 2 days ago ah
M: Yah...(Of course lah. My hair grow everyday wat)
P: Don't be ridiculous!
M: No I...(P interrupts again)
P: I'm getting angry now (Note* I used a soft tone of voice and really did not show any signs of acting smart or anything which anyone can find fault with)
M: I'm sorry (sorry for wat?!)
P: Who's your form teacher (again)
M: Mrs *
P: so now is Mrs *'s fault la
P: so i need to tell her to (can't exactly remember wat he said. but something about scolding her, not exactly, or something)
M: No. It's not her fault
M: I know I'm at fault. sorry. I am responsible
P: (forgot wat he said after that)
then he went to scold other ppl cos he got nothing to say to me
*This conversation may not be the same exact conversation due to my poor memory and the sequences might be mixed up, but most of it was accurate.
Seriously, what did I do wrong to actually make him angry?!
Anyways, today came back home to study for my Bio test and SS test. I am slightly more confident than before that I wouldn't fail, cos usually I fail both of them. Adieu
Today. Did 2.4km run for P.E. This time they stopped just after the primary school gate. So my timing was 11.26 mins. Faster, cos did not have to run up slopes. But was feeling real sick after that. Anyways, the main point of the bad day was after school. Actually it was bad because I thought too much... Cos I was the Geog rep, after school I had to go to the staff room to get a namelist for the WS. Then PauLeong caught me cos my hair was too long. I expected to be caught but not by him though. Anyway, I was prepared. But the surprising thing was he was very very irrational. The conversation goes like this...
P is Paul
M is me
P: Hey boy
P: Did any of the teachers tell you to cut your hair?
M: No (Really la)
P: Don't lie
M: I really din lie
P: Why yesterday you never cut ur hair
M: Because I got CCA
P: So now you are blaming your CCA
M: No. I haven't finishe...
P: (forgot what he said)
P: what class are you from?
M: 3*
P: 3* is supposed to have intellect up there(points to head)
P: (talks some mars crap)
M: I'm sorry
P: (Calls Jenni* Goh over)
*dunno what he did that for
P: Who's your form teacher
M: Mrs *
P: ***?
M: yes
P: she didn't tell you to cut your hair?
M: Yes
P: dun lie (or something liddat)
M: I'm not lying. Really
P: So as a #ist
P: you need someone to tell you b4 u cut your hair
M: No I was going to cut it this weekend
P: y cannot cut last weekend
P: ur hair only grow 2 days ago ah
M: Yah...(Of course lah. My hair grow everyday wat)
P: Don't be ridiculous!
M: No I...(P interrupts again)
P: I'm getting angry now (Note* I used a soft tone of voice and really did not show any signs of acting smart or anything which anyone can find fault with)
M: I'm sorry (sorry for wat?!)
P: Who's your form teacher (again)
M: Mrs *
P: so now is Mrs *'s fault la
P: so i need to tell her to (can't exactly remember wat he said. but something about scolding her, not exactly, or something)
M: No. It's not her fault
M: I know I'm at fault. sorry. I am responsible
P: (forgot wat he said after that)
then he went to scold other ppl cos he got nothing to say to me
*This conversation may not be the same exact conversation due to my poor memory and the sequences might be mixed up, but most of it was accurate.
Seriously, what did I do wrong to actually make him angry?!
Anyways, today came back home to study for my Bio test and SS test. I am slightly more confident than before that I wouldn't fail, cos usually I fail both of them. Adieu
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