First pictures I took. Official Bleach and D. Grayman art and my horrible photography...

Maid Rin from Hollow Ataraxia. Woot! On Display.

Nicely made Hatsune Miku.

Evangelion unit 02. Lousily taken by me again

Evangelion Unit 00, the Evangelion 1.0 Version.


Haven't watched the anime yet. Badly taken too...

Miku with Nanoha and Fate behind. + a little bit of kyon.

The Haruhi cast. Mikuru's hair looks green...

Cast of Lucky Star + Nanoha again.

Some Doujin Art.

Only recoginse Miku, Yotsuba, Tsuruya, Minami and Midori.

Tora Dora Exhibit

Shakugan no Shana Exhibit

D. Grayman Exhibit

And now for my updated manga collection...

Over-crowding... Omitted some as well.

Anime + albums+ Manga Magazines...

Finally a complete Chobits collection

Evangelion DVD

Chobits DVD

Shakugan no Shana DVDs

Burst Angel DVD. Haiz...

All DVDs. So few

Crappy VCDs

Fate/Stay Night Artbooks

Didn't take pics of my Melty Blood Artbook.

Tsukihime Manga

Ichigo 100% Volume 1-6

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. Wee! Finally got the DVD.

My Evangelion 1.0 figurines bought from AFA 08.

Unit 01 with positron rifle

Unit 01

Unit 00 with shield

Shinji Ikari in plugsuit

Ayanami Rei in plugsuit

All of them. Yay. Why so much empty space...

My (2X2X2)X3 Siamese Cube

And now for my Christamas presents

Megaminx after the first time I solved it

Pyraminx after solving it a few times. Really simple

And megaminx in a messed up state. Quite simple but tedious... Very. Confusing. Only had problems with the final layer. Cos it's 5-sided. Can solve it fine now.
Some random stuff

Look closely at 54. Wating time: 42min, 49min respectively. Wow. I waited that long.
Wondering why Duralumin? Lol. Cos of this. From Yotsuba&. Azuma is the king of random.

2D vs. 3D. I almost died seeing 3D.

Result: 2D wins hands down + a bucket of vomit against 3D
With that the photo dump comes to an end and Merry Post-Christmas. And Happy Post-birthday Arcueid.

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