Olympics is over... Its really very late to say that. Just needa say the closing ceremony was not as extravagant as the opening. Jackie Chan sang. Lol. Exams are also over. 30th from the bottom. That's all you need to know. Holidays started too. Lol. I'm really very late in posting.
Recently started playing badminton again. Desmond gave me a raquet. And not a cheap one too. Thanks alot. Luckily my hand didn't ache. It's been three years already. Haha. Ever since I quit. I'm such a lousy blogger.
Teacher's Day is today! I almost forgot. I really got nothing to blog about.
Today I drew this!!!

Yeah it's Illyasviel von Einzbern from Fate/Stay Night. Took really long to draw this. Drew 2 of it. I don't really know how to draw the nose and fingers but the eyes rock. I never noticed that it was that nice before until I drew it.
Been playing Melty Blood lately. And alot too. Non-stop too. So didn't blog. It's really fast paced. Unfortunately, I can't get any full combos. And pros can get 100hit combos. Haiz...
Yay! Chuang Yi released The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya last week. Yay! In English too! And of course I bought it. Lol. My manga cupboard is really full. I also bought the Fate/Stay Night Production Illustrations Artbook. That's how I got reference to draw the picture above. Tohsaka is really hard to draw. Still can't get the eyes right. The eyes are one of the hardest part to draw if you wanna follow the actual. The Bleach 7th Anniversary Artbook is also out. For quite some time already though. A few weeks. Any Bleach fans who want it? I didn't buy it. But I can help you buy if you give me the money...