Finally managed to upload the pics... Here's Cosfest VIII Day 2.
Epic Gundam
Great workmanship.
And if you haven't realised, there's a guy in it. Poor guy. Sweating like mad. But great job.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn cosplay.
Gar-rei? I dunno. Someone enlighten me.
Yo dude. Lelouch ain't supposed to have brown hair. And is that girl in between Shirley? Got no clue. Rolo on the right is...
More Katekyo...
Yo. Air Gear
Without fail, there's a Naruto everyday
Eww. Took me ages to realise that the guy on the left was Gino... Or is it not. The C.C. haiz... Costume is nice though.
Blurry picture of Lenalee. My fault though. Or did someone nudge me. Can't remember.
Slightly clearer picture. A little chubby though.
Kanda is a girl! Happens all the time.
Dynasty Warriors or isit Samurai Warriors... Dunno. Apparently a group from Indonesia. Cool.
Taiga cosplay.
I dunno what is this. Think its from a game.
Would someone enlighten me on where this is from?
Oh man. I shed manly tears at this scarlet and marisa cosplay. That's cos the Scarlet cosplayer is a man... Or looks like one.
Mikuru!!! Pinnacle of chio-ness. Lol
More Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors.
From Kanon? Can't remember.
Trap Ceil from Kuroshitsuji.
From Pandora Hearts.
D. Grayman group cosplay.
There's a Lavi every year too.
Great costume. The guy was sweating buckets too. Could see the fog through his mask when I brushed past him.
Uber-blurry group D. Grayman photo with 2 Kandas & a Lenalee. Lol. Can make a retarded song out of it.
Not sure who they are... Kingdom Hearts?
And so, let the festivities begin.
Oh man. Every strand of my hair stood on its ends when the performance started. I had to get out. I just had to. If you can't see the image clearly (my fault), its the cosplay performance of Euphemia & Cornelia *spoilers* playing the part where Euphemia, under the control of Lelouch's Geass, starts killing the Elevens aka Japanese. */spoilers/* Euphemia is dying at this point.
Yakumo Yukari of Touhou Project.
Guy from Gurren Lagann.
Haruhi + Mikuru. No Nagato :( But saw one Nagato cosplayer as I left.
Overweight Megurine Luka. Lol
Looks Studio Ghibli-ish to me. From Spirited Away maybe?
Making contact E.T. style.
XXXholic performance.
IIRC, I think this was Pandora Hearts + Macross Frontier performance. I remember the emcee saying something like how they are going to do it.
Woo!!! 20th Century Boys!
I really dunno lol.
Funny lame Air Gear performance.
The catch-no-ball Lelouch + Suzaku Code Geass performance. Why is Suzaku tearing newspapers man.
They just keep walking around and acting emo. Catch no ball.
Roro no Zoro (is that how u spell it Des?)
K-on cosplay. Aww no Tsumugi and Yui? The guitar is real though. Took a close look. Looks expensive. Funny incident happened. Cos too many ppl were taking photos, and it is quite hot outside, they felt they had enough. So... "1, 2, 3 siam(or was is zao)" Everyone was like lol.
Isit Soul Eater? I didn't really watch it.
The view of the hustle and bustle outside the tent.
Ultra lame Gundam 00 performance. Ooo. Allelujah is advertising his own hair gel. Dial 1800-allelujah. And Setsuna is promoting the Gundam 00 DVD... Dunno what in the world is going on.
Soul from Soul Eater. Am I right?
The cosplay kids you saw on tv.
The Indonesian Dynasty Warriors performance. Longest performance.
My tv friend doing a group Air Gear photo. This old man is a culprit of something ugly on the wall (which I will emphasize in later posts. Anyway the main focus for this pic is the FMA.
Lol. Mushroom getting pwned.
Graffiti Wall as of 3pm. Quite quickly filled up. Must come early if you want a big space for yourself. You see some ugly thing in marker in the middle? The old man is the culprit. Lol. Day One was better.
Dunno what's that thing on the left. Saw it on sale in one of the booths. Smaller ver. of course.
Yay. Group Kuroshitsuji cosplay.
Shana was just swatting flies with her Nietono no Shana in this performance.
Box Gundam!!!
Yessh. Dark Saber
Mio with two people which I forgot where they're from.
Disaster struck
That's not my hand.
What can I say... I still can't figure out who the guy 2nd from the right in the back row is. His size fits Charles vi Britannia but the hair is not white. So ain't got no clue.
Yay! Large group D.Grayman cosplay
The catch-no-ball Lelouch and Suzaku duelling.
Different pose.
Miku with her trademark negi.
Reason why I need to get a better camera.
Proof that I can't control my hand.
Most epic performance of the day by Sir Alex Louis Armstrong. Y.A.O.I.!!!!!!!!!!!! Most epic. A must watch vid below.
DMC characters doing the Y.A.O.I. in sync with Armstrong's performance.
What Y.A.O.I. stands for? Young Alchemist Oomph! Institution
Love is War performance by Hatsune Miku
The most lol FSN performance ever. Not positive tho.
Oh man. Epic Gate of Babylon sia. Here it goes... "Gate of Babylon!" said Gilgamesh with a weak voice. A dark abyss emerges as the curtains open revealing an arsenal of swords. Maybe it was due to the lack of power in the usually arrogant Gilgamesh, swords clattered to the floor like a primary 1 kid throwing a javelin(people were throwing swords from behind the curtain). LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Dunno whats this. Is that my finger?
Ultra blur. I dunno the character on stage though.
Armstrong loves you.
Ever-moving Armstrong
Fortunately, the only clear pic I have of Armstrong. "Look at my muscles? You love it?" lol. A true cosplayer.
Great Michael and Kran (or is it Klan? Romanji is confusing) cosplay. Didn't get to take another photo at a different angle... The Michael is a girl btw.
Saber and Gilgamesh(who has a bad hair day) clashing.
Pardon me for my lack of knowledge. I don't know this one either.
You take a photo of Mario, Mario takes a photo of you.
Some game I think.
Alucard from Hellsing and Fran from FRANKEN FRAN!!! Didn't know people cosplay as Fran or even read it. Cool.
More Alucard
Katekyo again.
Even more Alucard. I think you've got enough. Pretty good Kallen cosplay. Took it as I was leaving. Emperor Lelouch and Knight of Zero Suzaku. Rising from the grave. Lol.Kaito & Miku? Looks like it. Last photo I took before I left. And here is the most epic performance of the day. Y.A.O.I!!!! If you don't feel it when you watch it, you should have gone there! The atmosphere was awesome. Everyone sang along man. Everyone.
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