Afa 09 is over!!! So sad. Well here's my coverage from day 1. Quite short cos I had to rush off at 1pm to go for band prac. Kinda lost track of the time due to queuing about 2 hrs to get into KKnM. But before that, the moment the gates opened, I rushed to get any Good Smile Company 1/7 Scale Saber Lily I could find. And in 10 min, SABER LILY IS MINE!!!! WOO!!! Pics in a seperate post. After that queued up at KKnM for 2 hrs. Met JH, ZY n friends. After queuing for about 40min JH queued with me lol. Talked about how our families accept anime and stuff, as well as where we keep our figurines. Oh ya. There was one otaku nee-chan in front of us. So when JH was talking about when he was crying when watching Clannad(most people do, even guys), she started laughing, trying hard to control it. lol. Took photos of some posters along the way.

Lucky Star poster
Can't be bothered to upload anymore cos it takes forever to upload photos. Finally after 2 hours we finally reached the start of the queue!!!

It was a loong long wait, comiket training perhaps. Lol.

Some bleach cosplay

Archer. Not bad. Apparently from our school too. Sadly I dunno exactly who.

Fate Team. lol

Since I only spent like 3hrs there I couldn't get much. Gotta rush off again.